Clash Royale: How to get the new free birthday emote?

Clash Royale: How to get the new free birthday emote?

Happy birthday ! It's March 2nd, and Clash Royale is celebrating its sixth anniversary! All fans of Supercell's free-to-play MOBA are invited, and will be able to benefit from a small gift from the developers. Find out what it is and how to get it.


Clash Royale : une emote gratuite est disponible pour une durée limitée ! Dépêchez-vous

Clash Royale est arrivé sur nos écrans le 2 mars 2016, et le titre de Supercell a fait son petit bonhomme de chemin depuis. Rien que l'année dernière, le MOBA free-to-play a bénéficié de nombreux changements, comme la prolongation de la voie des trophées, la réduction du coût d'amélioration des cartes, et l'ajout de nombreux éléments comme des pièces d'or, des objets magiques, des champions, et même un tout nouveau niveau et des types de coffres inédits !

Clash Royale : une emote gratuite est disponible pour une durée limitée ! Dépêchez-vous


This year, the developers plan to continue polishing the game by improving existing features, adding new customisation options, and most importantly, providing access to new ways to progress and more rewards. The work has already begun, as the time between balancing changes has been shortened from three to two months. This has been reduced from three to two months, with the first change made in February, and the next one scheduled for April.

In the meantime, Clash Royale is celebrating its sixth anniversary with a little gift for its fans. Here's how to get it:

For its birthday, Clash Royale is offering a free emoticon to all players for a limited time. You'll only have about five days to get your hands on the emoticon - after that, you can't claim it. To get it, simply log into Clash Royale and go to the shop page. Scroll down until you find the birthday emote, click on it to get it, and you're done!