Add your own subtitles to Netflix, Disney+, Youtube, Amazon Prime, Dailymotion or Vimeo

Add your own subtitles to Netflix, Disney+, Youtube, Amazon Prime, Dailymotion or Vimeo

If you use online video services like Netflix, Disney+, YouTube, Amazon Prime, Dailymotion or Vimeo and you like having subtitles, maybe you are a little disappointed with the default subtitles offered by all these platforms.

Sometimes the desired language is not there. Sometimes there are no subtitles. Sometimes these are bad or out of sync. And if you have specific needs when it comes to the size or color of subtitle texts, well, that's it.

Luckily, there is Substital , an extension for Chrome and Firefox that lets you add more subtitles from OpenSubtitles or from a ZIP or SRT file directly to all of these services with a single click.

Several options are thus added to the player of Netflix, YouTube, Disney+, etc. to offer you to change the font size, color, background, transparency and most importantly timing.

It's royal, isn't it?

Click here to download Substital.