Zombiewood - Video

Genre: Shooter
Platform: Legacy Mobile Device
Zombies have invaded Los Angeles; the once glitzy and lavish streets - lush with movie stars and celebrities - are now overrun with hordes of the undead. For some it spells terror, fear, panic… infection - for others it’s an opportunity to light up the silver screen, roll camera and shine! It’s time to bust some guts and wreak explosive havoc!

Released on Mar 07th 2012


Fun Action Shooter Game. Survive a massive onslaught of insane zombies!
Run & Gun: Shred through waves of zombies that get tougher each time. Power-up your hero and become the ULTIMATE SURVIVOR!
A hilarious journey with cartoonish characters and enviroments inspired by Hollyood hits.
13 maps and 68 missions to complete on foot or while driving crazy vehicles!

Everything on Zombiewood:


