Final Fantasy XI: Rhapsodies of Vana'diel

Genre: Role-playing (RPG)
Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 2
A maiden appears in the dreams of the chosen, descending from the crystal, whispering, "I must find my master..." We remained blissfully ignorant of how her countenance portended a violent struggle over the fate of Vana'diel itself.

Released on May 14th 2015


Released across the May, August, and November 2015 version updates, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel is designed to be the conclusion of the main scenario missions of Final Fantasy XI, tying together plotlines and characters from across the game's previous stories. Completing the missions requires registration of and progression through all previous expansion packs. Other additions include the new areas Escha and Reisenjima and new trusts.


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