
The Incredible Crash Dummies

Genres: Racing, Platform
Platforms: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Amiga, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System/Mark III
You play a crash test dummy, trying to progress through levels filled with hazards such as cars and fireballs, within the time limits. Contact with each of these loses you a limb, and once you have none left, contact means game over. Since the character isn’t handicapped by missing limbs in any way, in practical terms you can think of these as hit points especially as there are screwdrivers to pick up which restore one limb.

Released on Nov 01st 1992


At a time when computer games were being blamed for violence, bad language, epilepsy and everything else the 'moral majority' needed a scapegoat for, Virgin gave us: The Road Safety Game. Or not, as this is a standard platform game with a twist of questionable taste and purpose.


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