Nintendo Switch OLED: screen burn-in?

Nintendo Switch OLED: screen burn-in?

Available since October 8th, the Nintendo Switch OLED has been a nice little success. However, as the latest Big N device is equipped with an OLED screen, the question of screen burns can legitimately be raised. So, what's the real story, several months after its release?

In order to answer this question, a youtubeur carried out tests to measure the robustness of the screen in the face of burn-in concerns.


Nintendo Switch OLED affected by screen burn-in?

On March 7, youtuber WULFF DEN wanted to carry out tests on the beautiful 7-inch screen of the Nintendo Switch OLED to determine its resistance to screen burns. For this, he voluntarily captured an image from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild containing a large amount of colors with a dominant blue. The goal was to see how long it would take the console before it let a smearing effect appear on the screen. It was therefore armed with his console (and a lot of patience) that our youtuber embarked on a very long and serious test phase.

Result: it was after about 3,600 hours that WULFF DEN began to see the first screen burns on his Nintendo Switch OLED. By going to the home of the console, he was able to see that slight blue tints had remained marked on the screen, although the effect remains relatively minimal, according to his words.

We can therefore conclude that the latest iteration of Nintendo's hybrid console is intended to be particularly resistant to screen burns, and that, if you are one of the lucky owners of the console, you probably do not have to worry about this problem in the context of conventional use.