Stop everything: Puma Pokémon sneakers are for sale !

Pokémon Red Version


Pokémon Red Version

The player character starts out in Pallet Town. When the player character tries to leave the town without a Pokémon of their own, they are stopped in the nick of time by Professor Oak, who invites them to his lab. There, he gives them a Pokémon of their own and a Pokédex, telling them about his dream to make a complete guide on every Pokémon in the world. After the player character battles their rival and leaves the lab, they are entitled to win every Gym Badge, compete in the Pokémon League, and fulfill Oak's dream by catching every Pokémon.

More on Pokémon Red Version:

Stop everything: Puma Pokémon sneakers are for sale !

A large number of very nice products are produced as a result of the partnership between Pokémon and the feline brand.

Maybe you already know, Puma and Pokémon were going to unveil a line of merchandise.

The initial items are now available on the Puma website, in Puma stores, and will be sent to sporting goods retailers in the upcoming days.

The selection of clothes includes hoodies and sweatpants in addition to sneakers.
A few hats and caps are also there, but these are for kids only!

As is frequently the case, you must act quickly to secure the desired items in your size. Especially now that Christmas is near!

Is Pokémon Red Version a good video game?

Yes Pokémon Red Version is a great video game, we are proud to have given it a rating of 80%. Any good gamer must have played Pokémon Red Version at least once in his life, we can even fully consider it as one of the best games of the genre! In short, it is a must and you must try it if you have the opportunity!

Can I play Pokémon Red Version with my friends?

Yes, you can play Pokémon Red Version multiplayer with your friends! So think about it the next time you have a party at home, it can be a great opportunity to have a great time with your friends and family, while determining who is the best at Pokémon Red Version!

Is Pokémon Red Version available on multiple platforms?

Yes, the game Pokémon Red Version is developed to be compatible with Nintendo 3DS and Game Boy. It's quite handy to be able to play it on several different consoles, thanks to Game Freak and Game Freak development studios!

Is Pokémon Red Version a recent game?

No, Pokémon Red Version is not a recent game, it was launched in most regions on Feb 27th 1996, 28 years 11 months 21 days ago.
Pokémon Red Version has been released on Nintendo 3DS and Game Boy.

Is there an official website for Pokémon Red Version?

Yes Pokémon Red Version has its own official website! You can find it by clicking here.

Is there a forum on the internet to discuss the game Pokémon Red Version?

Yes there is a website where Pokémon Red Version fans can meet to discuss and exchange content, tips and advice on the game. It's on the Reddit website and you can find this Subreddit by clicking here.

Is Pokémon Red Version compatible with VR?

No, Pokémon Red Version is not currently compatible with virtual reality, but we hope that one day it will be possible to play it with this new technology!

Does the game Pokémon Red Version have other names around the world?

Yes, the game is also known by these names around the world:
Pokémon Red (Abbreviation)
Pokemon Red (Alternative spelling)
Pocket Monsters Red (Alternative title)
Pokemon Version Rouge (French alternative title)
Pokémon Rouge (French title)
Pokémon Rot (German alternative title)
Pokémon Rote Edition (German alternative title)
Pokémon Rot (German title)
Pokémon Rote Edition (German title)
Pokémon Versione Rossa (Italian alternative title)
Pokémon Rosso (Italian title)
ポケットモンスター 赤 (Japanese title - original)
ポケットモンスター 赤・緑 (Japanese title - original)
Pocket Monsters Aka (Japanese title - romanization)
Pocket Monsters Aka (Japanese title - translated)
Pokémon Versão Vermelha (Portuguese title)
Pokémon Edicion Roja (Spanish alternative title)
Pokémon Rojo (Spanish title)

What are similar games to Pokémon Red Version?

Pokémon Red Version is a game similar to Pokémon Silver Version, Savage Lands, Borderlands 3, Pokémon Sword, Immortal: Unchained, The Elder Scrolls VI, Eternity: The Last Unicorn, The Elder Scrolls: Blades, Torchlight III and Pokémon Shield, if you liked Pokémon Red Version, you will surely love this list of games we just mentioned! You can find our dedicated portals by clicking on the name of the games, and make your own opinion very quickly!