Dark Souls: PC servers are back online

Dark Souls III


Dark Souls III

Set in the Kingdom of Lothric, a bell has rung to signal that the First Flame, responsible for maintaining the Age of Fire, is dying out. As has happened many times before, the coming of the Age of Dark produces the undead: cursed beings that rise after death. The Age of Fire can be prolonged by linking the fire, a ritual in which great lords and heroes sacrifice their souls to rekindle the First Flame. However, Prince Lothric, the chosen linker for this age, abandoned his duty and decided to watch the flame die from afar. The bell is the last hope for the Age of Fire, resurrecting previous Lords of Cinder (heroes who linked the flame in past ages) to attempt to link the fire again; however, all but one Lord shirk their duty. Meanwhile, Sulyvahn, a sorcerer from the Painted World of Ariandel, wrongfully proclaims himself Pontiff and seizes power over Irithyll of the Boreal Valley and the returning Anor Londo cathedral from Dark Souls as a tyrant.

The Ashen One, an Undead who failed to become a Lord of Cinder and thus called an Unkindled, rises and must link the fire by returning Prince Lothric and the defiant Lords of Cinder to their thrones in Firelink Shrine. The Lords include the Abyss Watchers, a legion of warriors sworn by the Old Wolf's Blood which linked their souls into one to protect the land from the Abyss and ultimately locked in an endless battle between each other; Yhorm the Giant, who sacrificed his life for a nation conquered by his ancestor; and Aldrich, who became a Lord of Cinder despite his ravenous appetite for both men and gods. Lothric was raised to link the First Flame but neglected his duties and chose to watch the fire fade instead.

Once the Ashen One succeeds in returning Lothric and the Lords of Cinder to their thrones, they travel to the ruins of the Kiln of the First Flame. There, they encounter the Soul of Cinder, an amalgamation of all the former Lords of Cinder. Upon defeat, the player can attempt to link the fire or access three other optional endings unlocked by the player's in-game decisions. These include summoning the Fire Keeper to extinguish the flame and begin an age of Dark or killing her in a sudden change of heart. A fourth ending consists of the Ashen One taking the flame for their own, becoming the Lord of Hollows.

More on Dark Souls III:

Dark Souls: PC servers are back online

Disabled for player safety, the Dark Souls Trilogy PC servers are about to return. The developers of FromSoftware sent a message on the subject.

Following a major security issue, FromSoftware decided in favor of disabling Dark Souls Trilogy PC servers . The studio promises that a solution is on the way.

Towards a return of the PC servers of the Dark Souls trilogy

Earlier this year, Bandai Namco and FromSoftware announced a shutdown of the DS Remastered , Dark Souls 2 , and Dark Souls 3 PC servers . This happened in January, before the launch of Elden Ring , due to a security breach. Indeed, through the PvP servers of the three games, some could infiltrate other players' games (normal)... but steal data (not normal). This unwanted incursion was also an opportunity for people to remotely install viruses or other malicious applications.


Contacted by our PC Gamer colleagues , FromSoftware communicated about bringing the PC servers back online... without giving a date or window.

We are currently in the process of restoring the DS franchise online servers on PC. We plan to gradually restore online services for each game, restoring those for DS3 when we have completed the work necessary to correct the problem . We will keep you informed of the restoration schedule. We thank all players for their patience and understanding.

Patience is still the key word.


Is Dark Souls III a good video game?

Yes Dark Souls III is a great video game, we are proud to have given it a rating of 86%. Any good gamer must have played Dark Souls III at least once in his life, we can even fully consider it as one of the best games of the genre! In short, it is a must and you must try it if you have the opportunity!

Can I play Dark Souls III with my friends?

Yes, you can play Dark Souls III multiplayer (online) with your friends! So think about it the next time you have a party at home, it can be a great opportunity to have a great time with your friends and family, while determining who is the best at Dark Souls III!

Is Dark Souls III available on multiple platforms?

Yes, the game Dark Souls III is developed to be compatible with PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It's quite handy to be able to play it on several different consoles, thanks to the FromSoftware development studio!

Is Dark Souls III a recent game?

No, Dark Souls III is not a recent game, it was launched in most regions on Mar 24th 2016, 8 years 6 months 28 days ago.
Dark Souls III has been released on PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Is there an official website for Dark Souls III?

Yes Dark Souls III has its own official website! You can find it by clicking here.

Is there a forum on the internet to discuss the game Dark Souls III?

No, according to our information, Dark Souls III does not yet have a forum or subreddit clearly identified to the community. However, it is possible that you can find one by searching on your favorite search engine, which we invite you to do! You can also look at social networks, indeed many groups exist for example on Facebook to allow communities to exchange between enthusiasts.

Is Dark Souls III compatible with VR?

No, Dark Souls III is not currently compatible with virtual reality, but we hope that one day it will be possible to play it with this new technology!

Does the game Dark Souls III have other names around the world?

Yes, the game is also known by these names around the world:
DS3 (Abbreviation)
Dark Souls 3 (Alternative spelling)
黑暗之魂III (Chinese title - traditional)
Dunkle Seelen III (German title)
ダークソウルズIII (Japanese title - original)
다크 소울 3 (Korean title - alternative)
DARK SOULS III (Stylized title)

What are similar games to Dark Souls III?

Dark Souls III is a game similar to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Dark Souls II, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Bloodborne, Code Vein, Children of Morta, Citadel: Forged With Fire, Eternity: The Last Unicorn, Remnant: From the Ashes and Torchlight III, if you liked Dark Souls III, you will surely love this list of games we just mentioned! You can find our dedicated portals by clicking on the name of the games, and make your own opinion very quickly!