The Wonderful One: After School Hero - News

Genres: Adventure, Arcade, Shooter
Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Meet Luka, a hero in training. Hoping to one day be a full member of the Wonderful 100, Luka spends his days in special training Drills after school as he aims to complete the CENTINELS training program. This is a story of love, battle, and growth!

Released on Jun 21st 2023


A standalone version of the free DLC for The Wonderful 101: Remastered made as a crowdfunding stretch goal.

As the latest member of the centinels, new recruit Luka delivers remarkable achievements. What challenges did he need to overcome to become the prestigious Wonder Goggles? This is a story of love, battle, and growth. Experience Luka's journey to becoming a full-fledged hero!

Everything on The Wonderful One: After School Hero:


