After such a cinematic worthy of the Star Wars saga in cinema, BioWare and its teams could only bring many players back to the flagship MMO of the license. Unfortunately, the 7.0 update did not convince the crowds and there are several reasons for players' disappointment with Legacy of the Sith. We must first remember that the extension (reserved for subscribers) was to be released for the celebration of the 10 years of Star Wars the Old Republic , last December. Unfortunately, it was only released in February after two more months of development. Fans then hoped for a smooth deployment after this long wait, but success has not been there. Let's see whatwhat are the positive things to remember.

A disappointing expansion?
Once the long lines of players had passed on D-Day, padawans, wizards and other soldiers could finally embark on this new adventure. The first days were then tedious because of the many bugs preventing you from playing correctly. Fortunately, the developers were reactive in order to correct them in the hours that followed, but that did not make it possible to blur the bitter taste that some still had in their mouths. What a pity for the 10th anniversary of this MMO so dear to the hearts of many fans. And what a pity after such a successful communication on the networks.
However, we must not stay on this launch failure since the extension still has many things to offer. It could also be a good time for you to return to the game or simply discover it. Because even after ten years of good and loyal service, the MMO hasn't aged a bit. We would of course like a graphic overhaul and the correction of a dozen bugs present for ages on the game, but these are only details. Especially since Keith Kanneg, the director himself of the game, recently apologized for the catastrophic departure of the extension, assuring that a large corrective patch would be made in 7.0.1.
In truth, the Legacy of the Sith expansion had been presented very well throughout 2021 and the content offered at the release was therefore in line with the announcements. Most player feedback expresses some disappointment, but the latter mainly concerns the launch of the extension rather than its own content. On our side, we would probably have liked something more grandiose, more striking for the tenth candle of Swtor, but the content offered brings real innovation to the mmo.
In short, what is Legacy of the Sith really worth?

Fighting Styles, Flashpoint, and New Scenario
The main strength of this expansion is the new combat styles feature. The scenario, on the other hand, is far from striking and its lifespan is far too short (about 1h30) leaving no time to appreciate it at its fair value. The Flashpoint only lasts about 30 minutes. It's a shame once again since the environments are perfectly successful and make you want to immerse yourself in the extension for days. The major flaw, in our opinion, lies in the fact of not being able to visit Manaanat the same time as other players since almost all of the story is done in the instance. Once the story is over, there is no point in returning to this planet, which is very popular with players, which then has no replayability . Maybe in the future players will be entitled to some daily quests on this place who knows.

So let's go back to one of the great positive points of this extension: the combat styles . They alone can justify a return on the game to be frank with you as the functionality changes the way of playing. To put it simply: it is now possible to choose two combat styles per character in order to change your class at any time. So you can totally create a Sith Witch to follow her story and then change your gameplay to Assassin whenever you want.
All this is then sublimated by a new interface that wants to be more accessible. The somewhat "raw" design of the character sheet and the inventory may be able to confuse the oldest players, but the overall appearance allows a better understanding of the modifications and the different features available.

In conclusion, Legacy of the Sith is full of good ideas but the quality of the extension is marred by a non-existent social side on Manaan (while we are on an MMO, let's remember), an unfortunately failed launch and a lifespan far too short compared to previous major updates like 6.0. Expectations for the game's 10 years were perhaps too high for most players. On the other hand, the fighting styles are a major asset and bring a breath of fresh air to the title of BioWare. Let's wait to see the next patches, not to mention that many events and a battle pass are also available on the game.